Exclusive: The First 30 Minutes of The Crew 2
Recently, BlackPanthaa went hands-on with a final build of The Crew 2 and today we've got an exclusive look at the first 30 minutes of The Crew 2, showcasing Character Selection, the first of the LIVE XTrem Series Events and each of the four racing disciplines you'll progress through in the game.
Your The Crew 2 adventure kicks off by letting you select from 16 male and female character presets and throws you right into the Motorsports action with the first LIVE Xtrem Series event. This event is the same event from the E3 2017 reveal gameplay, designed to showcase each of the three vehicle classes in the game - Car, Boat and Airplane.

LIVE Xtreme Series Events are similar to Forza Horizon's Showcase events in which players will compete in signature, scripted-esque events at certain points of the story, with new events in the series unlocking the further you progress your Followers level.
What follows is an introduction to each of The Crew 2's four racing discliplines: Street Racing, Freestyle, Offroad and Pro Racing. You can find out more about these four disciplines and their specific vehicle classes here. Check out the full 30 minute gameplay from BlackPanthaa down below.
We have a TON of exclusive coverage on The Crew 2 we'll be releasing over the next few days and weeks, so stay tuned for that! For our previous The Crew 2 coverage, check out our dedicated The Crew 2 section in the Games tab.
The Crew 2 launches on June 29th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, or three days earlier on June 26th for purchasers of the Gold or Motor Editions.