God of War Adds New Game+, New Gear and More Later This Month
After being announced during Sony's E3 Press Conference, God of War's New Game Plus mode has been given a release date as well as details about the new changes added with the mode.
Launching on August 20th as a free patch update, you will be able to embark on the epic adventure through Midgard again with Kratos and Atreus, this time with all previous armour sets, enhancements, talismans and resources collected through your first playthrough at any difficulty.

Enemies in New Game+ will be tougher with some featuring brand new tricks and movesets in combat. New Game+ will also feature a new rarity level of equipment of gear to craft and upgrade which can be done with the new "Skip Slag" resource.
Brand new customization options are also available, with new equipment including powerful new armor sets and enchantments. The new patch will also add a "Skip Cinematic" option in both normal and New Game+ modes after completing a playthrough prior.
Will you be jumping into the Norse realm once again and shine off your Leviathan Axe to give New Game+ a go? As a huge fan of this years' God of War, I certainly will be!